Meet 'Jetty' - From Pinot Pioneers to Master Blenders

Learn more about the history of Pali and how our team developed a love for varietals grown across California's Central Coast.
If you've been with us from the start, you know that Pali began in 2005 with a focus on crafting distinctive, single-vineyard Pinot Noir. We journeyed along the West Coast, reaching as far north as Oregon, in pursuit of the finest grapes. These exceptional grapes were brought back to our small garagiste-style winery in Lompoc, where we dedicated ourselves to making the best wines possible.
Many of you might remember visiting us and tasting our selection of Pinot Noirs, each representing a unique vineyard. You likely enjoyed discerning the subtle yet fascinating differences between the Pinots of the Sta. Rita Hills and those from Sonoma, and comparing wines from one vineyard to another.
As we matured as a winery, our interests expanded beyond just Pinot Noir. We embraced Chardonnay as our second variety, followed by others, like Barbera, Riesling, Grenache, Syrah, and Pinot Gris. Our list continued to grow, eventually encompassing dozens more.
This took us to diverse vineyards, each offering unique climates and conditions. Unlike the well-established Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, these often lesser-known varieties were grown by smaller farmers in off-the-beaten-path vineyards. We embraced the challenge of elevating these new varieties to our standards, discovering that not all grapes are created equal. Some excel in one area but may lack in another—for example, great fruitiness but a lack of acidity.
These characteristics often make the wines interesting to taste and unique. In many parts of the world, great varietals are simply not an option, so winemakers blend them together to create balance and complexity.
Blending is truly an art form. Much like a painter uses a palette of colors, a winemaker uses a palette of wines, striving to strike the perfect balance where each variety stands out yet harmonizes to create a wine greater than the sum of its parts. There’s no manual or online tutorial to guide this process; it relies on the winemaker’s experience and intuition. However, we can draw inspiration from regions where blending wine has been perfected over generations, learning from their time-tested 'recipes.'
Inspired by the red wines of the Southern Rhône Valley in France, we created Jetty. You may have heard of or been recommended a GSM blend—Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvèdre—common in the southern Rhône.
Fortunately, the Mediterranean-like climate of the Central Coast, with its diverse microclimates, supports the same varieties that thrive in the Southern Rhône Valley. Although there are significant differences in our growing seasons—our sun is hot and high in the sky, the days are shorter, and the soils differ—we find that the classic Rhône blend works beautifully here too.
If you taste our Jetty alongside its Rhône cousins, you’ll likely notice ours is fruitier and more intense. This difference is due to our unique growing conditions—our hot summers, bright sun, and grapes reaching a perfect balance of phenological ripeness late in the growing season. We believe this lush and intense version of the blend is the best way to showcase the Central Coast's potential, and we are fortunate to work with vineyards that grow the perfect grapes to support our vision.
The Grenache and Syrah for Jetty come from Nolan Ranch in the Alisos Canyon AVA, a young vineyard quickly becoming a hotbed for innovative wineries. Farmed organically near Los Alamos, it benefits from a strong marine influence, giving the grapes freshness while achieving peak ripeness.
The Mourvèdre in Jetty comes from Enz Vineyard in Lime Kiln Valley, where vines planted in the late 1800s add depth and complexity. These ancient vines produce wines with flavors of dark cherry, plum, and a touch of earthiness, resulting in a balanced and nuanced wine. We also add Cinsaut and Carignan to the blend.
When a wine is delicious, winemakers often credit the vineyard—the land and its farmers—and our winemaker, Aaron Walker, is no different. Aaron has spent years sourcing Syrah, Grenache, and Mourvèdre grapes from various vineyards across the Central Coast, carefully selecting those with the ideal conditions for our wines. He understands that the vineyard plays a crucial role in the winemaking process, and his dedication to finding the perfect sites is unmatched.
But the journey doesn’t stop there. Aaron's meticulous approach ensures that grapes are picked at the perfect moment of ripeness, capturing the essence of each variety. His skillful blending transforms these exceptional grapes into a wine that embodies the best of what our region has to offer.
Without Aaron's commitment to excellence and his expertise in putting together the perfect blend each year (knowing that what worked last year might not work this year), Jetty wouldn’t be the exceptional wine it is today. We are proud to continue making Jetty as a testament to Pali’s dedication to quality—from our early days with just Pinot Noir to our current diverse offerings.